1. Call to Order: 9:31 am
Nicole Polit, Dominga Silva, Stephanie Viado, Yasmin, Angel Ridley, Anita Ussery, Azin Shabankareh, Demetrius Martin, Erica Knighton, John Broussard, Lauren Ayers, Leticia Gonzales, Melanie Jones, Munira Shallwani, Muriel Stephanie Fernandes, Rachel Ndeto, Shannon Fields, Shruti, Bridgette Matthews, Elizabeth Tellez
**Not enough board members to vote on anything
2. Approval of PTO Bylaws
Will not approve today, but the same bylaws we’ve been using
3. Voting Protocol/Official determination of Voting Quorum
In order to vote we must have half plus 1 in attendance - we need 7, we only have 6 members today
4. General Housekeeping and School Etiquette
No visitors allowed at the time.
When we can visit, be respectful of classes going on - don’t just pop into teacher’s classrooms.
Don’t take away any instructional time from teachers
5. Treasurer and Financial Reports
will report on next meeting
6. Upcoming Events:
7. Principal’s Remarks
Keeping safety measures up to keep cases down - If individual has a positive case, will send letter to entire class, then will also send an email to the entire BBE community
Dashboard shows 1400 students at BBE - that is because the Virtual Learning Program is housed on our master schedule and will be apart of our accountability (STAAR, Attendance…) Fixed so the + cases reported from VLP don’t count to BBE or our percentage.
We have about 690 students on campus
Will put Spirit Nights on Marquee - send her the dates of each spirit night
Discussed Open House (see open house notes)
8. Teacher Rep Remarks – upcoming volunteer needs, hopes for the year, etc.
No teacher in attendance
Will check if volunteers can go to teacher center for teachers
9. Committee Reports
Shirt Sales: 154
Spirit Night at Ramble Creek: $221.75
Next Spirit Night: Sept 20 at Chick-fi-la; October possible at local Indian; November Spring Creek BBQ; January back to Ramble Creek
Still working on budget - will approve through email so we don’t have to wait until October
Big Kahuna going on - ran through the school, not PTO. Ends September 14th
Dec 17th half day - plan something for teachers
Teacher Appreciation week
May 27th - Teacher luncheon: options: BJ brewery, Jason’s Deli, Viado says teachers prefer hot meals-look into district catering - get on their calendar early as they will book up; Ms Viado will send a list of other ideas
Ms Viado would also like to partner up to do something little for the teachers every month
125 families and staff
Video will play during virtual open house
Raffle a free yearbook for everyone who joins by Friday 9/10
Viado has staff who join PTO wear jeans
Can give less than $50 to be a sponsor - just won’t be listed
Elizabeth is reaching out to businesses and feels it is going well
10. New Business
Transportation is hiring drivers and monitors - tell everyone you know!
Dominga looking into where to do JA training - maybe HOA, or neighborhood pavilions ; JA is ready when she is ready - hoping to be able to have parents do it in the Spring
11. Adjourn: 10:03 am